Maybe you do not think about your tongue too much. But when your doctor tells you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue he knows some information about your health.


  1. A few red dots on your tongue, visible traces of teeth and a thin white surface. This appearance shows a lack of energy, that causes tiredness, poor appetite, and sweating.
  2. A yellow layer, surrounded by the rest of the red area of the tongue. This applies to the problems with dehydration, skin diseases, and digestion. This manifests itself in the psyche, so these people are often in a changeable mood.
  3. White layer, swollen edges. This applies to the occurrence of the unbalanced functioning of the digestive system and also the tendency to accumulate water in the body. People in this situation usually feel listless and fatigued.
  4. Black dots on a purple surface: indicating difficulties in the functioning of the circulatory system, so people can have problems with varicose veins, headache, skin dull, feeling of heaviness in the legs and chest pain.
  5. A red tip of the tongue and a thin whitish layer. This reveals that the organism is exposed to stress which is caused by the unstable emotional state. The energy in the body accumulates in the nodes that cause inflammation.
  6. Red tongue with yellow in the middle: it is indicative of high body temperature, and that indicates skin problem or urinary tract infection. People with this problem do not feel comfortable in their own body and also are angry.
  7. A white in the center of the pale swollen tongue. This means a lack of minerals and vitamins. This conditions cause a pain in the spine, pale complexion and also feeling of pain.
  8. Cracks in the tongue. This means a fungal infection, accompanied by insomnia, irritations and night sweats.
  9. Pale surface without deposits. This point to anemia and reduced blood flow. That can cause tiredness and dizziness. These people are suffering from lack of memory and concentration. Besides that, this is often a sign of possible hormonal imbalance in women.

If you are not sure about what is happening with your tongue, you need to visit your doctor.